Contact Info

  • Contact: Scott Yetter
  • Title: CEO
  • Location: King of Prussia, PA
  • Website:

Energy Service Affiliates


With 60,000 IoT-ready Berts installed in over 1,300 buildings, school districts, colleges, state/local governments, and sporting venues save over 10 million kWh annually. By simply plugging devices into Bert IOT-enabled Smart Plugs or wiring circuits with the Bert IOT-enabled Inline Series, commercial buildings remotely manage devices and collect building data from loads ranging from 120V/15A to 277V/20A. Bert is well-suited for both new construction and retrofit projects as either a standalone system or integrated into existing building energy management systems. Bert installs quickly so energy savings are immediate with ROI’s ranging from 1 to 7 years depending on device loads and KwH rates.